What is conversion optimization?

conversion optimization -flow

Conversion optimization is the method of getting your website visitors to do what you want them to do. It can be anything from wanting the visitor to engage more with the content by clicking more links, filling out more forms or making more purchases.

The method used is data-driven where you usually look at the amount of collected data that the website has. It can be data from Google Analytics, Matomo, or some other tool used for analysis. Various analyses are then carried out based on the target group’s user behaviour and the conversion goals found on the website. The purpose is simply to increase the conversion rate so that with the same number of visitors you can get more leads or increased sales.

When working with conversion optimization, the following are common activities:

  • Analysis of data
  • A/B testing
  • User tests

There are many good ways to perform analysis, and since each company has unique needs and unique working methods, it is important to understand what to measure and why. So, it is not enough to look at a guide on conversion optimization and then assume that it is the right method.

Different concepts and terms within conversion optimization

Analysis tools

Analytics tool refers to the tool used to perform analytics on the website.

Measuring tool

The measurement tool you use to collect data, for example Google Analytics, is the starting point when working with conversion optimization.


A conversion is the goal you want the visitor to complete when they land on your site. For example, a goal can be a completed form or a purchase.


CRO is the English term and stands for Conversion Rate Optimization. It is common for the term to be used instead of conversion optimization.

A/B testing

A/B testing involves testing two or more landing pages, ads, or different elements against each other. Most often this is done for a limited time.

Conversion optimization increases your conversion rate

It is always good to test to be able to get better results. It can be anything from you changing ads in your paid marketing on an ongoing basis, for something that works better to you changing something as simple as a headline on your landing pages.

Investing in conversion is profitable even if it can feel challenging and scary, because many people don’t want to change what has worked in the past.

An example is that you currently have 1000 visitors a week, from several different traffic sources. If only 10 of these visitors fill out your contact form, you have a conversion rate of 1% on that goal.

If you want to increase the conversion rate to 2% and get 20 visitors to fill out your contact form, you must start with conversion optimization. But first it’s good to know what works well, as well as gaining an understanding of your target group, and then try change on a smaller scale. If this is done correctly, you can increase the conversion rate and with the same number of visitors, get more leads. Then, your marketing immediately becomes much more profitable, regardless of whether it is paid marketing that you spend the most money on or whether it is SEO.

Why you should start with conversion optimization and a tip

Conversion optimization can be costly and time-consuming. There are many different companies that offer this service and you as a customer have many different options. In addition, it may be that your website is working well today, and you feel that your visitors are completing the goals you set. So, what can be improved? A conversion optimization tip is to simplify the number of fields in a form and thus make it easier to fill in. Many times, this works very well without destroying the form.

We at Awave think conversion optimization is fun and exciting. In most cases, conversion optimization is a necessity for all websites.

Instead of increasing your traffic budget, investing more hours in SEO or creating a completely new website, you can then start focusing on conversion optimization. Define what you want to increase the conversion rate on, review your conversion goals and look at your website from a visitor’s perspective.

Do you want help with conversion optimization, or would you like to brainstorm ideas? Get in touch with our digital marketing team and we will put you in touch with the right person.