Start your UX design process efficiently

The UX design process enables product teams to create products, goods and services that people need, use and enjoy. No matter how unique and complicated your design environment is, your UX process should begin with a definition of your product or service.
The definition phase is one of the most important phases in UX design and is actually done before the UX design process begins. Before you can start working, you need to understand its context. Therefore, the definition phase lays the foundation for the final product. During this phase, UX designers brainstorm with stakeholders and hold interviews.
Interviews with stakeholders are important to gather insights about their goals. Defining the goals and values is an important driving force for a results-driven process. Stakeholders provide you and your team with valuable insights, and they are also likely to be involved in the decision-making process in the future.
Since UX is a user-based methodology, you are not expected to receive any solutions or responses from stakeholders. However, the stakeholders will be involved in the process and be the one who determines the goal with the result from the user survey.
As always – contact us to see how we can help you optimize your digital project!