Internal and external links
A common term used in search engine optimization is links. The two variants that come to mind when talking about it are internal and external links. Internal linking takes place on the same website and acts as a navigation to collect relevant websites. External links are when you are sent from one website to another.
Internal links
We take this blog post as an example. We are making a blog post to tell you about how we can work with internal and external links. It would then be appropriate to link to our website on search engine optimization. With high relevance to the topic, you can via new blog posts show that your various websites are active and credible. The next time Google scans your website, they will see the changes. By continuing to work this way and building more posts related to search engine optimization, you can increase your ranking in the long run.
External links
In addition to internal links, external links are obviously important. If you work in an industry where you have both customers and other contacts, it is always a good start to try to get external links from there. Important to keep in mind is to set the table and make it easy for the person you are contacting for a link. Where should it be, where should it be linked to, is there an image or text they could of course post where the link takes place? You should always scan the websites and make it as easy as possible for the linking to take place.
Other ways to get external links to a website is by creating great content. If you write content that others will read, you can also more easily get external links. Think of the example with this blog post again. Here you can contact other websites that communicate search engine optimization and encourage links here to read about internal and external links.
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