Awave’s Danish office is growing!
Did you know that Awave has had an office in Copenhagen since 2014?
The Copenhagen office welcomes Patric who has joined our team in Denmark this year. At the moment we are 3 employees working in the Danish office. With Covid-19’s progress half the office has chosen to work from home for most of last year and there was a period last year where no one visited the office – so our little mascot below unfortunately suffered a lot from this situation.
Awave’s Danish website got a real facelift last year. As the old one dates back to 2014 it was time that we would also give our own website a little love.
Denmark have strict COVID-19 restrictions and we are of course following the recommendations. The office has been set up with information on how to be extra careful with hygiene. It is also equipped with face masks and sanitizer alcohol. In some areas where people can come from outside you are required to wear face masks. Here, our visitors are offered a face mask and hand sanitizers are also strategically placed.
During the last year Awave in Denmark has had the pleasure of helping plenty new Danish companies at the same time as we have maintained the strong contact to our Swedish collaborations and the Stockholm office.
If you ever find yourself in Copenhagen, feel free to stop by for a cup of coffee. We would gladely show you around the Danish office. It is a 5-minute walk from the Central Station and we always appreciate visits.
Do you want to know how we can help you contact us today!